Музей геологии, нефти и газа

Appendix 2

To the order No. 201-ОД from "2" of June 2015 

PROCEDURE of benefits granting to certain categories of citizens during visit to the 

BI «Museum of geology, oil and gas» 

I. General provisions

1.1. Current procedure determines benefits granting to certain categories of citizens for free-of-charge visit to budgetary institution of Khanty-Mansijsk autonomous district - Yugra «Museum of geology, oil and gas» (hereinafter – museum) and paid measures, carried out by the museum.

1.2. Compensation of shortfall in income of museum from realization of free, (discount) tickets is not performed at the expense of district budget.

1.3. Expenses, connected with free-of-charge visit to the museum and paid measures, carried out by the museum, refer to results of institution activities. 

II. Procedure of benefits granting

2.1. According to current legislation, taking into account financial, material and technical and organizational possibilities of the institution benefits for visit to the museum and paid measures, carried out by the museum, are set.

2.2. Benefit for free visit to the museum and paid measures, carried out by the museum, is given:

а) without limitation of visits quantity within museum working hours:

- citizens, honored with Title of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and entire Glory chevalier (including unscheduled visit to the museum);

- persons under 16 years old;

- employees of the museums of the Russian Federation;

- military men, doing call-up military service;

- internationalist fighters;

- senior citizens;

- veteran of the Great Patriotic War (including unscheduled visit to the museum);

- senior citizen, being at residential care facilities for disabled persons and seniors;

- disabled persons (including unscheduled visit to the museum);

- orphaned children and children, left without parental charge, being in orphanages and residential schools;

b) on first Thursday of each month visit to the museum is free-of-charge, including:

- persons under 18 years old;

- persons, studying under common professional educational programs (students);

- members of families with many children.

c) benefit for visit of paid measures of the museum is given to:

- children younger than 18 years old and pupils of educational schools;

- persons, studying under common professional educational programs (students).

Persons, having right for free or discount visit of the museum and paid measures, carried out by the museum, represent upon visit document of identification and document, confirming right for corresponding benefit.

2.3. In case of collective visit to the museum by persons, having right for free or discount visit of the museum and paid measures, carried out by the museum, official letter of the institution with list of persons is given.

Discount or free ticket is given to person, having right for discount or free visit, upon presentation of one of above mentioned documents. Note on the ground of which confirming document it was given is made on ticket counterfoil. 

III. Control and information on benefits

3.1. Information on benefits for free-of-charge visit to the museum and benefits for paid measures, carried out by the museum, procedure of their granting with a list of documents, on presentation of which benefit is grantedа, is located at information board of entrance group of the museum (1 floor), official website of the museum.

3.2. On the date, set for free-of-charge visit to the museum by certain categories of citizens, service for other categories of visitors is carried out according to the standard procedure.

3.3. Control on procedure of benefits granting for free-of charge visit to the museum and procedure of benefits granting for paid measures, carried out by the museum, is carried out by deputy director for development of BI «Museum of geology, oil and gas».

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